Hi, My name is Jeff and I’m 59 years old. The following is my explanation into the reasons I began the Maximized Living journey.  I have suffered from severe anxiety and as a result have been on 2 blood pressure medications, and on occassion a sedative drug.  Over the past few years I developed a symptom where my heart would miss a beat which happened on a regular basis.  This concerned me and the constant worry caused my anxiety level to sky rocket.  I had tests done that indicated that all was normal, and was told by my doctor, pharmacist and cardiologist that this was normal in some people.  I asked them if it could be the medication causing all of this and they all said no.  It began to consume my daily thoughts so I needed to find the answer.  My daughter and her family had just begun treatments at a Chiropractic and Maximized Living centre in Barrie.  She suggested to me that this may be of help.  I was given Dr. Dean’s phone number and I called his office.  After a consulation at Dr. Dean’s office in September 2011, I began chiropractic treatments.  My goals were to reduce my anxiety levels, get off of the meds, and lose weight.  Under his chiropractic treatments and Maximized Living program I have lost 16 pounds and am medication free.  An interesting thing is that when I stopped the blood pressure medication the heart problems stopped and my anxiety level reduced by 75%, (my blood pressure stayed within range).  I now have the feeling of well-being back and I know it will improve with my treatments.  I am certain that if I hadn’t made steps to change, no changes would have occurred.  Thank you Dr. Dean and Sarah for your tremendous support and encouragement.

Yours in healing,


Jeff S.


Jeff S. Newmarket

After three knee operations, and 7 years of pain in both knees, pain killers (did not work entirely), knee brace (helped about 50% of the pain), orthotics (helped some), but after this I still limped and in pain. It was time to try something else. The something else came along in November, 2006 at the Home Depot, when Dr. Dean and Janice were on site giving a complimentary spinal exam of the neck and a follow up consultation. I went for it, and to this day I am glad that I did. Wow! What a difference in my life style, more energy, very little pain in my knees, none in my back and neck, walking more upright. Also due to the fact I have flat feet, orthotics are now being used on regular basis.

Chiropractic care is a science within itself; not only treating but educating patients on their difficulties and what approach can be done to lessen pain or in some cases alleviate it all together. The past six months have gone by very quickly and with very little effort, from the lively welcome when you enter the office, to the treatments, and consultations, it has been a welcomed relief. Thank you, Thank you.


Frank Newmarket