Lighthouse Chiropractic Centre Wed, 05 Feb 2014 21:14:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 New Patients Fri, 31 May 2013 01:59:45 +0000 http://localhost:8888/lighthouse/?p=651 The purpose of the Doctors Report is to review the findings from your consultation and examination. At the Doctors Report, the doctor will give a detailed overview of how structural Chiropractic works and the scientific evidence supporting the specialized work that we do. This will be done in a small group setting with other new patients. We know that there is tremendous power in you fully understanding your problem and how we will work with you to correct it. ]]> 0 DEPRESSION…IS IT STRICTLY BAD BRAIN CHEMISTRY? Fri, 19 Apr 2013 17:55:28 +0000 http://localhost:8888/lighthouse/?p=586 Depression is rarely a brain issue. But it is always treated as one by using medications. Typically there is a cause, which goes unaddressed when simply taking a drug.

Depression is predominantly a degenerative, lifestyle related disease due to radically insufficient attention to one or more of the five essentials of Maximized Living.

Multiple areas of lifestyle affect hormone levels and serotonin. Simply using a drug to stop the uptake of serotonin is radically oversimplifying the situation and results in many, many side effects.

Look first for causes that can be addressed below. If all else fails, then it may need medical intervention. But all rarely fails.


Step 1: Become toxic. Modern medications, modern foods, and chemically based household products have toxins that remain in the system and destroy hormonal function and alter physiology.

Step 2: Do not get adjusted. Allow your neck (cervical spine) to shift forward, lose its normal curve, and degenerate. Make sure the top two vertebrae in the neck stay out of alignment so the area where the spinal cord interacts with the brain completely breaks down and causing diseases related to brain function.

Step 3: Eat this way

A diet high in carbohydrates so that you can leave a constant level of insulin in the system which lowers serotonin levels and causes inflammation.

A diet deficient in Omega 3 and proficient in Omega 6, which Oxford and Harvard have found to be the first factor to address regarding depression.

A diet high in grains and sugars and low in vegetables, giving you acid PH levels.

Drink a lot of Cokes and lattes. Stimulants, sugars, and artificial additives are great for brain function.

Do not supplement. Rely on processed foods for all your nutrients.

Step 4: Warning, do not exercise! A sedentary lifestyle has many damaging effects to function and mental health. That is why exercise consistently matches or exceeds the benefits of antidepressants in studies.

Step 5: Hate people, don’t forgive, be right all the time, sleep less than 8 hours every night, and if you have been through emotional traumas, by all means, do not get any help from a professional counselor or work with God!

THIS IS OBVIOUSLY A TONGUE IN CHEEK WAY OF POINTING OUT THE OBVIOUS. WE DO A WHOLE LOT WITH OUR LIFESTYLE, BUT IGNORE A WHOLE LOT AS WELL. THAT LEADS TO ALL DISEASE, INCLUDING MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL ONES. Depression is an extremely tough and sensitive issue. Rather than, however, succumbing to the victim of a “bad brain” mentality, it is always better to take a proactive approach first. You will always improve and there are no side effects!

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I was in remission! Tue, 10 Apr 2012 17:35:54 +0000 Last year my health took a downward turn. The medical doctors eventually diagnosed Chrones disease in too many areas of my intestines. A friend introduced me to a diet-The Specific Carb Diet- book is called “Breaking The Vicious Cycle by Elaine Sottschall” Another friend introduced me to Dr. Dean and for that, I am big time grateful.

Within a couple months, I started feeling stronger and in three months came off some of the medication. I recently had some health tests and after only 6 months of seeing Dr. Dean and staying fairly loyal to the diet my medical doctor announced I was in remission!!! Yeah Dr. Dean, Yeah God!!!!!!

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My Maximized Living journey Tue, 10 Apr 2012 17:34:01 +0000 Hi, My name is Jeff and I’m 59 years old. The following is my explanation into the reasons I began the Maximized Living journey.  I have suffered from severe anxiety and as a result have been on 2 blood pressure medications, and on occassion a sedative drug.  Over the past few years I developed a symptom where my heart would miss a beat which happened on a regular basis.  This concerned me and the constant worry caused my anxiety level to sky rocket.  I had tests done that indicated that all was normal, and was told by my doctor, pharmacist and cardiologist that this was normal in some people.  I asked them if it could be the medication causing all of this and they all said no.  It began to consume my daily thoughts so I needed to find the answer.  My daughter and her family had just begun treatments at a Chiropractic and Maximized Living centre in Barrie.  She suggested to me that this may be of help.  I was given Dr. Dean’s phone number and I called his office.  After a consulation at Dr. Dean’s office in September 2011, I began chiropractic treatments.  My goals were to reduce my anxiety levels, get off of the meds, and lose weight.  Under his chiropractic treatments and Maximized Living program I have lost 16 pounds and am medication free.  An interesting thing is that when I stopped the blood pressure medication the heart problems stopped and my anxiety level reduced by 75%, (my blood pressure stayed within range).  I now have the feeling of well-being back and I know it will improve with my treatments.  I am certain that if I hadn’t made steps to change, no changes would have occurred.  Thank you Dr. Dean and Sarah for your tremendous support and encouragement.

Yours in healing,

Jeff. S. of Newmarket

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